Recall of SCORPIO EASHOOK (L060BA00) lanyards, sold individually or as part of the KIT VIA FERRATA EASHOOK (K029DA00 and K029DA01), due to risk of carabiner gate malfunction. Immediately stop using the products affected by this recall.
Affected products
The affected products are :
- SCORPIO EASHOOK L060BA00 lanyard, sold individually
Only lanyards manufactured and delivered since January 1, 2021, and bearing serial numbers between 21A 0000000 000 and 21I 9999999 999, are affected.
Product Malfunction
These products have a malfunction: in rare cases, the carabiner's gate stays open and no longer closes automatically. Using a carabiner with the gate open does not ensure the user's safety in the event of a fall.
Your lanyard is affected by this recall
If you have a SCORPIO EASHOOK lanyard affected by this recall, even if it is functioning normally, stop using it immediately and return it to our local after-sales service via our contact form. Your lanyard will be exchanged as soon as possible. Petzl will pay for the return shipping costs.
If you are in US or Canada, please find below more details on the American CPSC and Canadian Government websites :
Where is my lanyard's serial number?
- It is on the label inside your lanyard's pouch.
Should I look at the serial number of my SCORPIO EASHOOK lanyard, or that of the carabiners?
- You should look at the serial number of your lanyard, not that of the carabiners.
Which SCORPIO lanyards are affected by this recall?
- All SCORPIO EASHOOK lanyards, L060BA00, sold individually or as part of the KIT VIA FERRATA EASHOOK (K029DA00 and K029DA01), with a lanyard serial number between 21A 0000000 000 and 21I 9999999 999, are affected by this recall.
What should I do if my lanyard is affected by this recall?
- Immediately stop using your lanyard and contact your local after-sales service via our contact form for an exchange.
Has this defect caused any personal injury?
- To date, we are not aware of any personal injury caused by this defect.
I bought a VIA FERRATA EASHOOK KIT; which serial number should I look at to know if my lanyard is affected?
- Check the serial number of your lanyard. Your lanyard is affected if its serial number is between 21A 0000000 000 and 21I 9999999 999.
When will SCORPIO EASHOOK lanyards be available for sale again?
- SCORPIO EASHOOK lanyards will be available for sale as of February 28, 2022.
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