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Increased compression and fast-wicking, durable materials make this perfect sock for fast running over all distances.
Weight saved but not at the expense of comfort to deliver a perfect sock for training and racing.
Delivers increased compression aiding blood circulation and reducing swelling.
Padding underfoot and around the ankles reduces the risk of blisters or sores. Utilizing fast-wicking and durable materials ensures the sock will last the test of time and distance.
Available in three ankle cuts ヨ low, mid and high ヨ providing options dependent on preference.
- Increased compression.
- Fast wicking.
- Padding underfoot & around the ankles.
Weight: 14g / 0.5oz
Die geschätzte Größe des verpackten Artikels oder die Größe der Verpackung 100 x 150 x 40 mm.
MännerWasserfestigkeitNeinCuff LängeNiedrig
Gewicht0,036 kg(Der Artikel hat möglicherweise eine leichte Verpackung.)
Garantie12 Monat(e)
Herkunftsland Deutschland
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