Autumn clean up: a lot of clearance priced items

Newsletters by, 1.9.2022

A lot of clearance products available

So, it is already September! This means that we are slowly shifting our shop to autumn-winter -mode. Therefore we have placed a good selection of products in clearance to make room for winter arrivals.

We have picked a few product examples from our most popular product groups - follow the link banners below and make fantastic finds for exceptionally excellent prices.

Clearance prices are valid for clearance products only. After we have sold out the clearance product it is sold out for now and we will not necessarily have more available before the next season.

SELECTED ITEMS (sizes and colors) -34%
157.25€ norm. 239.00 € incl VAT 24%
126.81 € VAT 0%

SELECTED ITEMS (sizes and colors) -48%
71.64 €norm. 138.90 €incl. VAT 24%
57.77 € VAT 0%

SELECTED ITEMS (sizes and colors) -30%
174.90 €norm. 249 € incl. VAT 24%
141.05 € VAT 0%

We are constantly updating our clearance -selection thrughout the year. Clearance products are divided into product groups in order to help you in find whatever interesting gear you might need. 

All the best and have a great start towards autumn.

In Finland we have the mushroom season starting to be on it's best at the moment all over the country and the chilly, darkening evenings call for satisfying sweaty outdoor activities. Autumn just might be one of our favourite seasons.
Best Regards,


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