20 Years of adventure: Varuste.net’s journey to the top of Finland’s outdoor scene

Varuste.net by Varuste.net / Toimisto-Jorma, 30.9.2024

Where It All Began
The founders share the path to their dream
In the early 2000s, the availability of outdoor products in Finland was poor, and many great brands weren’t available in local stores. Additionally, the price level in Finland was significantly higher compared to Central Europe. This sparked a thought among us founding members: why not create something new and necessary?

We wanted to offer a high-quality and wide selection of unique sports products all under one roof. Our goal was to create a workplace where both we and our future employees would enjoy working, a place where the work would be done with passion and a relaxed yet professional attitude.
Varuste.net was born out of a passion for outdoor activities and high-quality gear. We were united by a desire to offer the best possible products at an affordable price so that everyone could fully enjoy the outdoors and adventures. The founding of the company was made possible because we had a great team that shared the same vision and passion.

We wanted to do work that inspires and brings joy.
Each founding member had a background of boring jobs, and we wanted to change this by founding an online store that focused on our passions and hobbies. This made the work meaningful and fun.

We realized that Finland lacked sufficient supply of high-quality outdoor and hobby equipment. And when something was available, it was often much more expensive and only available from abroad. We wanted to change this by bringing high-quality products directly to Finnish enthusiasts.

Our goal was to offer outdoor enthusiasts and hunters quality products at competitive prices. The online store allowed us to offer a wide selection of products in a cost-effective way without the high expenses of downtown brick-and-mortar stores.

In 2004, an outdoor online store was still new and exciting, and we were at the forefront of bringing this innovation to Finland. For us, founding Varuste.net was more than just a business; it was a way to combine our passion and offer the best possible service and products to Finnish outdoor enthusiasts and hobbyists. This journey has been full of challenges and successes, and we are proud of what we have achieved together.

Thank you to all our customers and partners who have been part of this journey.
From here, we are ready for new adventures.

Thank you for being with us.
The founders of Varuste.net
Juha-Pekka, Henrikki, Ilkka, Lasse, and Ville

Dive more into the origins of the company: Varuste.net's story - How did it all begin?

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