Overall rating | 3 reviews) | (
Ursuit DSH Hydro 275N automaattipaukkuliivi on kevyt, miellyttävä automaattipaukkuliivi 320N todellisella nosteella. Liivissä on YKK QuickBurst™ -vetoketju, jossa suljettu kuosi (suunniteltu erityisesti paukkuliiveille). Käyttömukavuutta lisää liivissä oleva neopreenikaulus. Selässä on verkkokolmio joka estää ilman jäämisen vaatteen alle selässä. Liivissä on säädettävä vyötärönauha, haararemmi sekä puhallustäytin. Heijastinommel kiertää koko liivin etuosan. Laukaisimena toimii Hammar MA1 (Hydrostaattinen) ja patruuna on 60g. Laukaisimen huoltoväli on 5 vuotta. Liivissä on informaatioikkuna joka ilmoittaa onko laukaisin ja patruuna toimintakunnossa. Liivin metallivaljaat ovat antimagneettiset ja niissä on D-rengas (ISO 12401) turvanarun kiinnittämiseen. Liivin sisällä on myös pilli.
CE, ISO 12402 Rannikko ja avomerikäyttöön.
Paino 1100 grammaa ja takuu 3 vuotta.
Overall rating | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Overall rating |
When it's a bulletproof vest, testing it for its intended purpose is pointless because proper testing would require launching and testing the vest in water in windy and choppy conditions. However, I chose the high lift promised by the product specs of this vest, the hydrostatic trigger mechanism (compared to a salt cartridge trigger, it is not as sensitive to damage triggers if the vest is used in rain or stored in a damp boat). The choice was also influenced by the high-quality materials and the domestic product brand, which I already experienced as high-quality.
After receiving the product, I checked the structure of the vest and it is of high quality compared to many others. It would be desirable for a vest in this price range to have an integrated Sprayhood and light source, which is not the case now. Some other brands, on the other hand, have Sprayhood. However, the way the vest is packed is so loose that it looks like the light can be installed afterwards in the same place as the whistle. The weight of the vest is a little more than some competitors, but it is still lighter than the older generation of vests on average.
The brochure material for the product could be more comprehensive also on Ursuit's own product pages, including the vest's equipment set with options, taking into account e.g. possible light device, AIS transmitter, etc. and instructions for their correct retrofitting. The instructions for maintaining the vest on the product package were moderate, although the clarity could be even better. In particular, more could be invested in the pictures. I would also consider the video materials of the product presentation in real use conditions as a good addition, to which links from the product pages. I didn't find any tests.
The availability of spare parts requires a little activity on your part because not all operators selling the product have a CO2 cartridge larger than the vest on the shelf, not to mention the trigger. The good thing is that Ursuit has used known global components as a trigger mechanism, so the availability is still there. It is not worth purchasing many trigger mechanisms in advance for your own storage, at least when moving in coastal waters due to their price and the best before date. Personally, I was thinking of getting the spare triggers in approx. 3 years, when the basic maintenance of the vest is current and the best of the trigger mechanisms before the day is still 2 years left.