Üldhinnang | (8 arvustused) |
Single rope made with responsible use of resources.
With the 9.5 Crag We Care Classic Rope for sports and classic climbing, Mammut aims at reducing the environmental footprint of its rope production. The sheath of the single rope is made from residual yarn left over from changes between different colors. Previously disposed of, this yarn is a high-quality, brand-new raw material. All 9.5 Crag We Care Classic single ropes therefore fully comply with Mammut's high quality standards. They are perfect examples of responsible use of resources and each rope is also a one-off, featuring its own individual pattern.
Sheath proportion: 40 %
UIAA falls (single rope 80 kg): 6-7
Impact force: 8.8
Diameter: 9.5 mm
UIAA dry test: 46 %
Static elongation single rope: 8 %
Stretch on first fall: 33 %
Weight [g/m]59
Rope treatmentClassic
Üldhinnang | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Üldhinnang |
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