73 toodet
Üldhinnang | (7 arvustused) |
Outer tent and pole only. Inner tent Helsport Lavvu 2 and Pasvik Floors are sold separately.
Pasvik is suitable for those who want to go longer distances with as low weight in the backpack as possible, but also want the comfort and features of a lavvu. The lavvu has a large and wide entrance with a full mosquito-net which together with adjustable vents and the top hat ensures a good indoor climate.
It is possible to light fire with an oven or stove because of the flame retardant treated material of the fabric.
Üldhinnang | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Üldhinnang |
Telki olen kasutanud mitmel reisil ja lühematel suusamatkadel Lapimaal ja Põhja-Norras. Telki on lihtne ise kokku panna ning selle saab püstitada ka lumevalli peale, kui toetad keskosa näiteks sobiva puitlauaga. Keskse elutoa kõrval asuva kamina korstna läbimine on keeruline ja selleks tuleks oma läbipääsuplekk õmmelda.