The Nirvana with Spraydeck is new and improved for the 2017 paddling season. We are excited to announce a number of upgrades, first of which is the introduction of our new Olive color (see last photo to the left) We have also increased the Tizip from 16" in length to 19" which allows for ease when storing gear within the pontoons. We have replaced the inflatable back seat cushion with a kayak style backband which provides more coverage and support on the lower back.
The Nirvana with spraydeck has two chambers in the main hull. All chambers now incorporate the Leafield D7 valve, one of the highest quality raft valves on the market.
The 2017 Nirvana has the same upgraded spraydeck and skirt system we introduced on the 2016 model which will allow the paddler to be focused on the river and not whether they'll be getting wet.
Finally, we have introduced a 4 point thigh strap system providing a more responsive handling ability whether you are carving into or out of an eddy, surfing a wave or even rolling your packraft.
The Whitewater Series was designed with the whitewater enthusiast in mind. The 2016 Nirvana packraft has a narrower trim and more pronounced rocker in both the bow and the stern than the 2015 model. The narrower trim allows for a more fluid carve into and out of eddies while the increased rocker makes surfing your favorite hole that much easier.
Each Whitewater Series packraft includes 6 d-rings strategically placed for packing your gear. We have also added 4 d-rings on the inner tube to allow for the attachment of thigh straps. The Nirvana spraydeck model includes a sprayskirt which is 100% seam taped ensuring complete dryness when paddling. The Self-Bailing model includes a 5" thick inflatable floor to provide more ample drainage of whitewater.