21 - 40 день(дней) от заказа. Надежность оценки очень хорошо.
Информация о наличии на складеЯ хочу получить уведомление, когда товар поступит на склад
Описание товараTo make Aerobie discs fly straight, release them level. When people throw a conventional flying disc, they tend to release it sloping downward to compensate for the disc's tendency to roll over in flight. With Aerobie discs, this compensation is unnecessary. Instead, throw them level to make them fly straight. You can throw an Aerobie disc sloping to the left if you want it to curve left and sloping to the right if you want it to curve right. Throw an Aerobie disc only to an alert catcher, as you should exercise caution with any thrown object. Play in a clear space so participants will not accidentally trip over or crash into trees, cars, people, or other hazards. Cease play if light is insufficient to clearly see the disc in flight.
Размер товара в упаковке или размер торговой упаковки составляет 300 x 300 x 50 mm.
Вес0,166 kg(Возможно включает вес торговой упаковки)
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