
It was already 60 years ago when the production of forest workers’ equipment such as mittens and backpacks was started in northern Central Finland, first in Pylkönmäki. In the late 1960’s the company moved to Karstula where it is still operating. The company name “Savotta” dates back to the very beginning.

Savotta's product range still includes many products used by forest professionals, like backpacks, daypacks, map cases, sledges, shelters and big camp tents. Special products like field hospitals, hall tents and various kind of carrying systems we manufacture for the use of both the Defence Forces, the Frontier Guard and relief organisations.

Savotta products are manufactured in Finland, Estonia and in order to meet the growing demand, some production batches are made in Poland.

Savotta's products have the permission to use The Key flag sign which is a certificate of Finnish origin granted by the Association for Finnish Work.

In recognition of our quality we are granted the certificate of ISO 9001:2000 H by the Finnish Defence Forces. This certificate is renewed every year.

Savotta has also been granted ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental certification.

Všetky produkty tejto značky

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Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Batohy‪»
Jednodňové batohy
Športové tašky
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»
Športové tašky
Men's anatomical rucksacks
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Ruksaky‪»Anatomické‪»
Men's anatomical rucksacks
Tubular framed rucksacks
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Ruksaky‪»
Tubular framed rucksacks
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»
Extra pockets for backpacks
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»
Extra pockets for backpacks
Baliace vrecká
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»
Baliace vrecká
Tent Stoves
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Stany a prístrešky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Tent Stoves
Combat Helmet Accessories
Športy‪»Taktické vybavenie‪»Combat Gear / Protective Gear‪»Prilby‪»
Combat Helmet Accessories
Saunové stany
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Stany a prístrešky‪»
Saunové stany
Foam Sleeping Mats
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Podložky na spanie‪»
Foam Sleeping Mats
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
AR-15 / M4 / 5.56 puzdrá na zásobníky
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AR-15 / M4 / 5.56 puzdrá na zásobníky
Gun slings and sling mounts
Športy‪»Taktické vybavenie‪»Príslušenstvo k zbraniam‪»
Gun slings and sling mounts
Odhadzovacie vaky
Športy‪»Taktické vybavenie‪»Combat Gear / Protective Gear‪»Molle Pouches‪»
Odhadzovacie vaky
Tourniquet Pouches
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Tourniquet Pouches
Backpack raincovers and flight bags
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Backpack raincovers and flight bags
Shoulder pads a hip belts
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Shoulder pads a hip belts
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Ruksaky, batohy, tašky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Drievkové variče
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Trekking stoves‪»
Drievkové variče
Tent sauna benches
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Stany a prístrešky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Tent sauna benches
Backpack Frames
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Backpack Frames
Leatherman Holsters
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Leatherman Holsters
Športy‪»Outdoorové aktivity‪»Sedadlá‪»
Sling Mounts and Hooks
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Sling Mounts and Hooks
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Vaky na vodu
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Vaky na vodu
Camping saws
Camping saws
Maskovacie obleky
Maskovacie obleky
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Stanové kolíky
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Stanové kolíky
Pistol Magazine Pouches
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Pistol Magazine Pouches
Telt poles
Športy‪»Turistika‪»Stany a prístrešky‪»Príslušenstvo‪»
Telt poles
Savotta - Better gear, less misery
Savotta, Behind the product: Tarja
Savotta, Behind the product: Simo