Rugged, durable and protective pant designed for winter touring. Great mix of materials providing full range of unrestricted motion.
Abisku Hybrid Bib pant is designed for winter touring. Mixing rugged and durable materials with great characteristics providing a robust shield against the elements. Waterproof fabrics in exposed areas also include stretch for freedom of movement. Featured with roomy thigh pockets,several ventilation options regulate airflow and snow gaiters for maximum protection.
Rugged and durable materials with great characteristics providing a robust shield against the elements.
Protective waterproof fabrics in exposed areas also include stretch for freedom of movement.
Reinforced insteps provides superior protection against damage by boots, crampons and ski edges.
Elasticated waist and firm suspenders provide a great fit and enable a "drop seat" function.
Hmotnosť 0,73 kg (spolu s predajným obalom 0,9 kg)
Záruka 12 mes.
Krajina výroby Vietnam
Anonymverified buyer, 14.11.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Skvelé nohavice. Plánujem ich použiť na svojich laponských výpravách.
Jediná vec je, či napínacie záplaty na produkte odolajú opotrebovaniu počas dlhého obdobia.
Marie S.verified buyer, 3.11.2024
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Vyrobené pre štíhlych ľudí. Musel si dať L, aby som sa dostal do zadku a žalúdka. Trochu zložité otváranie dverí batožinového priestoru. Dobrá kvalita, odolná voči opotrebovaniu. som spokojný.
Anonymverified buyer, 3.2.2024
Celkové hodnotenie
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Mimoriadne dobré a priestranné nohavice, vhodné na snežnice a snowboarding.
Michael G.verified buyer, 25.1.2023
Celkové hodnotenie
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Úžasne rýchle dodanie, všetko dobre sedí a teším sa na praktické využitie