Blue Force Gear
78 produktov
Celkové hodnotenie | (17 hodnotenia/hodnotení) |
The Blue Force Gear Padded Vickers 2 to 1 Sling - Red Swivel is a versatile and innovative solution for carrying automatic rifles. Designed with insights from firearms expert Larry Vickers, this sling combines real-world experience with durable construction, making it a top choice for military and tactical use. Its quick adjuster feature allows for seamless transitions between carrying and combat-ready positions, ensuring both comfort and readiness. Crafted with precision in the US, this sling is built to withstand rigorous use while providing reliable performance.
Key Features
All Vickers Slings are built with superior materials in the US.
Celkové hodnotenie | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Celkové hodnotenie |
Sakra dobrý dvojbodový remienok. Nastavovanie dĺžky je možné pomocou rýchleho a funkčného rýchleho uvoľnenia. Konzoly sú vysoko kvalitné a funkčné. Jedinou nevýhodou je plastový adaptér na upevnenie remienka QD, ktorý sa po vybratí sponky trochu „zamotá“. To sa prejaví pri použití remienka v polohe jedného bodu.