可用性即时发货. Some items of this product are available in our stock. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us.
商店 (Helsinki): 狩猎运动, 22
商品描述 —
显示原文 点睛之笔很重要,Alan Paine 鹿领带是任何射击男士衣橱的完美补充。
在野外穿着它,甚至在周日下午去酒吧。这款领带有 3 种颜色可供选择,几乎可以搭配您所在国家/地区的所有服饰。
此外,可爱的 Alan Paine 品牌展示盒意味着这款奢华的 丝绸 乡村领带是送给爱运动的男士的绝佳礼物。
• 奢华的真丝外层。
• 奢华品牌缎面衬里。
• 包装在皮革外观礼盒中
• 领带长150 厘米。
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 150 x 70 x 70 mm.
重量0.15 kg(The product may have a light retail packaging.)
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