Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling

Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling

Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling
Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling
Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling
Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling
Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling
Sukelluskoulu Aalto PRIVATE Guided Shore Snorkeling

129,00 + 运费
含增值税 25.5 %


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Dive local,
refresh your skills or enjoy local popular dive sites with an experienced guide!

Our diving tours are designed to take you diving and help develop your skills with your beloved hobby. In small groups (a minimum on 2, maximum of 4) we have time to either brush up some skills or concentrate on a specific theme under water.

The guide (a teaching status PADI instructor or a PADI divemaster) will take certified divers on a tour to admire local aquatic conditions and environments that are specific for Finland. This dive trip may also be used to re-introduce divers to the open water environment and dry suit diving after a period of diving inactivity.

The guidance by one of our PADI Diving Instructors or Divemasters allows participants to comfortably explore different underwater environments, find items of interest and avoid potential hazards. If you have been inactive lately you may find that the Scuba Review program combined with a guided dive tour is just what you need to get back in the water.

You need to have your own basic equipment: mask, snorkel, open-heel fins (and neoprene boots) and gloves. Rest of the equipment can be rented from us. The rental gear needs to be picked and returned from Sukelluskoulu Aalto.

All participants need to arrange their own transportation to the dive sites.

The price includes 1 - 2 guided dives depending on theme. Each content is announced inside the info -button next to the date and theme of the dive trip.

More info and bookings: / 040-5250412.

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 200 x 150 x 20 mm.

0.1 kg

PADI - Statement of Risk and Liability - Certified Diver Experience.pdf
PADI - Standard Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding.pdf
Sukelluskoulu Aalto Tiedoksisaantitodistus.pdf

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