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Primus Shelter

Primus Shelter

118,68 + 运费
原价 128,90 €
含增值税 25.5 %


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一般评价 ()

Sun, wind and rain protection
This scaled-down tent can be used as protection against rain, wind, and sun. The opening is equipped with a mosquito net that can easily be tucked away at the bottom. Pouches sewn in around the floor can be filled with sand or stone so that the tent stays put even in the wind. The tent can handle a 3000 mm water column, and the floor fabric can handle a 7000 mm water column. Comes with color-coded arch supports, storm guy lines and stakes.

- 3.3 lbs
- For 1 person
- Folded Ø 10 x 50 cm Ø 4’’ x 20’’
- Unfolded 120 x 250 x 100 cm • 4 x 8.3 x 3.3 ft

The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 470 x 150 x 80 mm.

Shelter type


1.44 kg
(包含内包装重量 1.5 kg)

24 个月

匿名 已验证的买家, 8.4.2014
不错的收获。它不能容纳超过一个成年人,但它可以容纳一名儿童或一只狗作为一名成人的伴侣。 携带轻便,小木屋好的一面很容易进去,露营时可以一直看到风景,但固定的蚊帐让生活变得舒适。 设置非常简单快捷。它也能承受雨水,但当然必须以某种方式转动开口以保护它免受风雨侵袭(在树下、岩石上等)。配重袋可以正常工作,即即使在强风中耙子可以牢固地固定住,当然,由于开口很大,这并不是真正的风暴避难所。
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