可用性即时发货. You can order only as many items of this product as we currently have in stock or the amount arriving to us. The product will be removed from our product range.
商店 (Helsinki): Trekking, 11, 仓库
商品描述 —
显示原文 Chair one 兼具舒适性和极轻的重量。这款椅子包装尺寸小巧,重量仅为 850 克,是每一位骑行者、徒步旅行者、露营者和户外运动爱好者的必备之选;简而言之,适合所有人。Helinox® 产品由领先的帐篷杆制造商 DAC 制造,融合了我们 DAC 帐篷杆的许多先进功能和品质。
The approximate size of the packed product or the sales package is 600 x 200 x 200 mm.
重量0.96 kg(The product may have a light retail packaging.)
质保60 个月
原产地 Vietnam
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