228 件商品
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The Seac Sense Long is the ultra-comfortable one-piece suit perfect for water sports in warm waters. This wet suit is made of 3 mm super elastic neoprene and features a front Mesh Skin insert and Smooth Skin smooth neoprene inserts in the neck and arm area for an AquaStop effect. Ideal not only for snorkeling and scuba diving, but also for all other water sports (surfing, windsurfing, water skiing, SUP ...). The Seac Sense Long is easy to wear thanks to the practical back zip lined with lanyard along the back.
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现在已经有 13 次游泳/水上跑步旅行,这套衣服工作完美。供您参考,XXXXL 码西装非常适合身高 180 厘米、体重 140 公斤的男士。是的,肩部和腿部会有一些空隙,但如果您喜欢水上运动或正在尝试恢复受伤,就像我的情况一样,这套套装非常适合这个。 XXXL 码的西装可能更合身,但我以后可能会订购类似的衣服来试穿,只要我能减轻体重。我在大约 13-16 度的湖水中使用过这套防护服,是的,它在这些温度下真的很暖和。我的建议是,如果您的脚或手很冷,我建议您穿上氯丁橡胶鞋和手套。您可以从 Motonet 以大约 50 欧元的价格购买这两款产品,所以这不是一笔非常昂贵的购买。另外感谢帮我选套装的Varuste.net店员!很难找到这么大的西装。