Celkové hodnocení | (16 hodnocení) |
Ether Light XT Insulated Sleeping Mat is super light and thick full size Air Sprung Cell™ Mat with insulation for all-season comfort.
When we set out to design a mat that was better than what was already available, we ultimately went back to why we carry a sleeping mat into the wild in the first place — to give us a better night’s sleep. ‘Better’ is of course a very subjective ambition and while we could have made the lightest, or the most compact mat ever designed, we’re stoked to present what we consider to be the most comfortable sleeping mattresses available. Happy sleeping!
Larger air pockets are created by using many looped TPU baffles which connect the top and bottom fabric layers with our Air Sprung Cell™ dot weld pattern. The looped baffles allow the top and bottom layers to be positioned further apart creating larger pockets of air when inflated that require less fabric overall. Perfect for side sleepers, the extra height of this mat lets hips sink deeper into it without touching the ground.
Celkové hodnocení | ☆☆☆☆☆ |
Celkové hodnocení |
Velmi pohodlné a měkké na spaní. Pro svou úzkost je vhodná pro ty, kteří spí na boku. Zkusil jsem to teď o Velikonocích s komůrkovou plastovou matrací, když na zemi ještě ležel sníh, nechala prosakovat chlad. Ale samozřejmě to není matrace určená pro zimní kempování.